
Showing posts from May, 2018


As part of our Firewise programme, Kowhai team was visited by some firefighters from the Palmerston North station.  Firefighter Josh talked to Kowhai team about what they will be learning in the Firewise unit.  He reminded us how important it is to have working smoke alarms. 

Autumn Walk

We are talking about Autumn as the season changes.  We went on a walk around the school to look at the leaves turning different colours and falling from  the  trees.  We gathered some of the fallen leaves and during Maths we sorted the leaves by colour and also by size. Sorted by colour Sorted by size

Maths Games

  MATHS GAMES We spent a week working on Maths Games. Our learning intentions were to recognise numerals and accurately count out  the correct number.  Some children worked on skip counting and simple addition and subtraction.  

Ball Skills for PE - We are Body Smart!

We are having lots of fun learning ball skills in the hall.

How Big Were the Dinosaurs?

As part of our measurement in maths we found out how long and tall some dinosaurs were. Using metre rulers we measured out the length of the dinosaurs and also their height. We then drew a rough outline to show how enormous the dinosaurs were. We could fit all the children of Kowhai-iti inside the dinosaur.

More Measurement in Maths

We used unifix cubes to measure the length of classroom items like our pens and kiwipacks. We recorded the results in our maths books. We also used cm rulers to measure the same items. It was important that we started measuring from zero with the end of the item at that point.

Looking at Lego Creations

In the last week of Term 1 we had a fabulous visit to see all the amazing lego creations in the hall. Some of us had made our own creations which everyone enjoyed looking at.

Measurement in Maths

For Maths we spent lots of time talking about measurement using measurement language such as longer, shorter, bigger, smaller and the like. We began by comparing our shoe sizes with others in the class after reading the story 'If the Shoe Fits'. We then measured the length of shoes with unifix cubes as another way of comparing the sizes.                                       We used cuisenaire rods to compare sizes and to use the language of long, longer, longest and short, shorter and shortest.